
Dredge reported
Dredge reported

Wasteload allocations to Fairfax County under the Accotink Creek TMDL assume different loading rates upstream and downstream of Lake Accotink. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) issued a sediment total maximum daily load (TMDL) for the Accotink Creek Watershed in August 2017. The project will also help the county meet is MS4 permit requirements. Analysis in 2016 estimated that the lake is now filling up again at about 23,000 cubic yards of sediment per year. The Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) partnered with FCPA to dredge the lake again in 2008. By 2001 the lake had filled up again with sediment at a rate of more than 17,000 cubic yards per year. The FCPA dredged the lake to restore capacity in 1985.

dredge reported

The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) conducted a study in 1982 showing that the lake volume had been reduced to about 25 percent of its original compacity. A second wave of development in the 1960s and 1970s added significant sediment to the lake. The US Army dredged the lake prior to transferring it to Fairfax County in 1967. Intense development in the 30 square mile watershed draining to the lake following World War II resulted in the lake losing 50 percent of its capacity. Lake Accotink was constructed by the United States Army in 1940 as a freshwater supply for Camp Humphreys (now Fort Belvoir).

dredge reported

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  • Dredge reported